Comment: Pentecostalism from Wesley?

I've elsewhere written:
"The revival movement of England in the 1730s spread Wesley's sanctification theology. It opened the way for thinking of a "second blessing" given to Christians where they experience "instant sanctification." It was the seed that later germinated the Pentecostal notion of a second blessing in Spirit baptism. But more on that later."
Some have commented, quoting Wesley, reasoning that he believed that sanctification is a life-long process which won't be complete until we die - unless Christ returns first.

Why my jump to 'instant sanctification'? Where do I get this idea from? Does it really come from Wesley, as I've insisted?

Pentecostals have questioned my intention to show that it was this idea - Wesley's concept of 'instant sanctification - that led to the Pentecostal doctrine of the baptism in the Spirit being at, or subsequent to, conversion. They reason that this doctrine comes directly from the book of Acts, not from some evolution of distorted Wesleyan theology.

So, I'll simply cite some quotes from Wesley. There are many examples of his writings that show that I haven't made a leap in what I said. Below I give an example.

The following quotes come from Entire Sanctification John Wesley's View, By Rev. D. A. Whedon, Chapter IV, entitled 'How to attain it,' in which he quotes Wesley extensively.

Below are a series of Whedon's quotes from John Wesley:

"I have continually testified (for these five and twenty years,) in private and in public, that we are sanctified as well as justified by faith. And, indeed, the one of those great truths does exceedingly illustrate the other. Exactly as we are justified by faith, so are we sanctified by faith. Faith is the condition, and the only condition of sanctification, exactly as it is of justification. No man is sanctified till he believes; every man when he believes is sanctified" -- Vol. i, p. 388.
"But what is that faith whereby we are sanctified? It is a Divine evidence and conviction, first that God hath promised it in the Holy Scripture. Till we are thoroughly satisfied of this there is no moving one step further. secondly, that what God hath promised He is able to perform. Thirdly, that he is able and willing to do it now. To this confidence, that God is both able and willing to sanctify us now, there needs to be added one thing more: a Divine evidence and conviction that He doeth it. In that hour it is done: God says to the inmost soul, 'According to thy faith be it unto thee!' Then the soul is pure from every spot of sin; it is clean 'from all unrighteousness.' "Vol. i, p.390.
"Every one, though born of God in an instant, yea, and sanctified in an instant, yet undoubtedly grows, by slow degrees, both after the former and latter change. But it does not follow from thence, that there must be a considerable tract of time between the one and the other. A year or a month is the same with God as a thousand. It is therefore our duty to pray and look for full salvation every day, every hour, every moment, without waiting till we have either done or suffered more. Why should not this be the accepted time?" -- Vol. vi. p. 764.
Speaking of the large numbers who entered into "the rest of perfect love" about 1760, he [Wesley] says: "Not trusting to the testimony of others, I carefully examined most of these myself; and every one (after the most careful inquiry, I have not found one exception either in Great Britain or Ireland) has declared that his deliverance from sin was instantaneous; that the change was wrought in a moment." -- Vol. ii, p.223.
"Be the change instantaneous or gradual, see that you never rest till it is wrought in your own soul, if you desire to dwell with God in glory." -- Ib "As to the manner, I believe this perfection is always wrought in the soul by a simple act of faith; consequently, in an instant." -- Vol. vi, p. 532, in 1767."
I think this shows that the concept of 'instant' sanctification was present in Wesley's thought, certainly in his latter writings.